

Bulwark Community centre opened in 1994, Jointly funded by Chepstow Town council, Monmouthshire County Council, the Welsh Office and local businesses.  The Community Centre is a community resource and doors are open to all who wish to use the facilities….

The trust is a registered charity managed by a voluntary run committee.

Trustees are made up of members from the community and representatives from Chepstow town council, and Monmouthshire county council.

Who’s Who?

Bulwark Community Centre Management Trust is run by a voluntary committee

Chairman Trustee – Mr D Burton

Treasurer / Secretary Trustee – Mr T Wood

Committee Member Trustee – Mrs R Whittaker

Committee Member Trustee – Ms H Beach

Chepstow Town Council Representative – Cllr D Rooke

Chepstow Town Council Representative – Mr J MacTaggart

Chepstow Town Council Representative – Cllr D Barnes

Chepstow Town Council Representative – Cllr H Livesey – Jones

Community member  Representative – Mrs C Duchet

Monmouthshire County Council Representative – CCllr Sue Riley

Honorary member – Mrs A  Wood

Committee Member Trustee – Mr J Rennie

Committee Member – Vacancy

Committee Member – Vacancy

Clerk Chepstow Town Council – Mrs L Allen

If you are interested in volunteering on the management committee please get in touch

Meetings held 2ND Monday in the month

Next A G M Monday 14th October 6.30pm

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